Emergency Care Center Outdoor Triage

Picture of the Outdoor Triage

Covenant Emergency Care Center screening all patients before entering the building.

Covenant has recently added additional triage outside its main entrance to appropriately screen people prior to coming into the emergency care center. When people arrive to the Emergency Care Center they will be greeted by a provider outside the entrance.  

If there are any respiratory symptoms, the patient is provided a mask. The patient will then be taken in a separate entrance to a private room for additional evaluation. Alternatively, those who do not show fever and respiratory symptoms will be directed to the main entrance for care.

We advise everyone to continuously exercise caution, social distancing, and hand washing. Please keep in mind not everyone diagnosed with COVID-19 experiences symptoms.

COVID-19 Testing

The CDC has issued guidance to healthcare providers for determining which patients likely need testing. Providers will use their judgment of a patient’s symptoms, travel history and risk factors to evaluate a patient.

With limited testing kits across the nation, COVID-19 testing is reserved for those with severe symptoms and no alternative diagnosis like influenza. Patients who have recently traveled to an epidemic country or had prolonged exposure with a known coronavirus patient, who are now having symptoms may also be considered for testing.