McNally House
McNally House is a “home away from home” for out-of-town families and patients receiving medical treatment. The house is located on the campus of Covenant HealthCare and is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
McNally House is operated by Hospital Hospitality House of Saginaw and provides lodging, dinner, and a network of care to families in need. The house has 17 bedrooms with private bathrooms, a large kitchen, laundry facilities, and family visiting areas.
If you or a loved one is from outside of Saginaw and receiving care at Covenant HealthCare, you may stay at the McNally House. Arrangements are made through the social worker, case coordinator, physician or nurse. Guests are charged $40/night but, if you are unable to pay this fee, please contact McNally House staff and special arrangements can be made.
For more information, call the Hospital Hospitality House at 989.583.0155 or visit their website at
To make a donation, please call Covenant HealthCare Foundation at 989.583.7600 or click here.